Georgia Smith likes big words and chatting to people. That’s how she found herself studying medicine, a course that’s already taken her on an energising trip to the Polynesian kingdom of Tonga.
Along with four other med students, the Peninsula resident took off to Tonga in June where she volunteered in hospitals and in the community to understand and address the issues of diabetes and hypertension. It was a trip that involved visiting rural villages, setting up stalls in Vava’u to test blood pressure and sugar levels, and - to Georgia’s delight - gabbing with local youth groups.
“My favourite moment was sitting on some steps in the middle of the main street and taking two ladies’ blood pressure,” Georgia recalls. “Before we knew it, we had taxi drivers pulling over to check their blood pressure and construction workers having their fingers pricked on their break and getting competitive with their sugar reading results.”
Although she’ll be spending the next few years on placement in either Bendigo or Mildura, Georgia’s interested in using her skills to help those closer to home. “I’m massively keen to get involved in projects around the Peninsula and Frankston,” she says. “I’m particularly excited about the success of mental health initiatives around Frankston and hope to be able to get involved in the future.”
This will see her following in the footsteps of two of her biggest inspirations: her mum and grandmother. Both have lived in and loved our corner of the globe for years and worked passionately in schools and health centres respectively.
“I also have massive admiration for people like Dr Ranjana Srivastava OAM,” Georgia says. “She’s an oncologist who engages the public in discussion with her writing and broadcasting. I really like the idea of medicine being broadly accessible, exciting and understood.”
So while she’s said “Nofo ā” to Tonga for now, expect Doctor Georgia to be popping up around the world soon!