The hilarious comedy Simon’s Final Sound sails into Frankston Arts Centre on Tuesday, September 13. From the pen of multi-award-winning playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer, it’s an Aussie play about four ordinary people on a cruise who try, fail, try again and fail better.
Simon’s a bit of a no-hoper, and he is going deaf. He goes in search of a magical – but possibly mythical – island where he thinks he will find some consolation. To make the journey, Simon teams up with Michael, a dull banker with a duller life, and Michael’s wife, Ginny, who is about to leave him. Also along for the ride is Claude, a blisteringly annoying blockhead with zero social skills.
For your chance to win a double pass to Simon’s Final Sound, send your funny cruise story to [email protected] using the subject line “Don’t Miss the Boat” Competition by September 5. See Simon’s Final Sound at Frankston Arts Centre on September 13 at 8pm. Tickets: $46 to $52. Bookings: or phone 9784 1060.