Photo by JPS photos
It’s shaping up to be a huge year for the Frankston Sharks BMX Club after it was selected to host Round 2 of the UCI Supercross BMX National Series on April 21-22. The weekend of racing begins with a club race on Friday night, practice on Saturday and UCI finals on Sunday.
UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) is an international event that determines world champion cyclists and only five races will be held in Australia – so for the Sharks to secure one of them is a real coup.
The club’s track has recently had some significant upgrades with the support of the Frankston City Council, with new bitumen berms and a new start gate installed. The vibe at the Sharks is at an all-time high, with club members and a highly motivated, friendly and positive committee working tirelessly to get the track in pristine condition for the night’s racing. The number of racing members has risen to 160 and the club has played host to some major events, including Track Attack, the Summer Series and Helltrack.
Everyone is welcome to come along and watch any event at the club, and entry is free. There’s a fully stocked canteen with food and drinks at race events, coaching clinics and practice sessions. If you’re keen to ride, bring your bike, safety gear and a fun attitude and you’ll fit right in. Visit facebook.com/frankston.bmxclub; for general inquiries, email [email protected]