The Lego Batman Movie Showing at Hoyts, Wells St, Frankston

On the surface, The Lego Batman Movie looks every bit a kids’ flick, yet this take on superhero culture is packed with sharp satirical observations designed to have adults chuckling more than youngsters. This second big-screen outing from Lego has promoted the Will Arnett-voiced Batman to the leading role, mined the character’s rich 78-year history, then lampooned it with in-jokes. Still reeling from the loss of his parents, Batman has become commitment averse, even to his foes. Refusing to concede, the Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) is his greatest foe; the Clown Prince of Crime hatches a scheme to unleash a whole new wave of baddies on Gotham City - but not before he surrenders himself to the newly appointed Police Commissioner Barbara Gordon (Rosario Dawson), thereby deflating Batman’s massive ego. Over the course of the film, Batman will have to learn that teamwork is good and friends are important if The Caped Crusader is to be victorious.

SCOTT JACKSON Three (3) stars