Total Face Group is bringing good looks to the Peninsula thanks to a highly experienced team of doctors, aesthetic nurse consultants and dermal therapists.
An innovative cosmetic and injectable clinic, Total Face Group offers clients the ability to create their best face and body possible with an emphasis on looking natural.
“With the arrival of spring there’s no better time to think about how you can look and feel your best,” says chief executive Jo Hannah. “We’re committed to helping our clients through personalised, long-term treatment plans carefully created by medical professionals to achieve effortless-looking improvements.”
The result is a considered, realistic and gentle journey to looking your absolute best.
“We’ve all seen those people who turn heads for the wrong reasons, because everyone can clearly see the work they’ve had done. At Total Face Group, we are the antithesis of this. Our clients turn heads because we ensure each treatment plan is perfect for the individual, making them look and feel amazing.”
Total Face Group’s Peninsula clinic offers a range of cosmetic treatments including anti-ageing injections, skin rejuvenation and CoolSculpting treatments overseen by aesthetic nurse consultant Michelle Bird.
Jo’s final advice to those who think the world of cosmetic treatments isn’t for them is to carefully think about how wonderful it feels to receive a sincere compliment. “When we look good we feel good, and wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel good more often?”
A: 1050 Nepean Highway, Mornington
T: 13 32 23