The Australian Department of Health recommends each person accumulates between 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week. To break this down, that’s 22-44 minutes of moderate exercise such as walking and Pilates each day, or 11-22 minutes of vigorous exercise such as running, walking fast uphill, swimming laps, football, netball or singles’ tennis. Vigorous exercise indicators are a high heart rate and breathing rate, finding it difficult to talk while exercising, sweating and muscle fatigue.
These guidelines are in place to manage both physical and mental wellbeing and are not intended for gaining significant increases in fitness or losing weight. These guidelines were put out to aid in reducing the risk of chronic disease and obesity, which is becoming a nationwide problem.
The Sports Injury Clinic in Frankston offers a range of moderate and vigorous level exercise options that are undertaken in a supportive environment with fully qualified instructors. Whether you already have a chronic disease or are aiming to reduce your risk, TSIC can help you get motivated to stay healthy through exercise physiology and Pilates classes as well as individual and group training programs for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Phone 9783 9990 today and find out today how TSIC can get you moving.
A: 365-367 Nepean Highway, Frankston
T: 9783 9990