More than 350 riders aged from two to 50-plus descended on the Frankston Sharks BMX track on August 18 for Helltrack Round 6 of the Victorian state series.
“It was amazing to see so many people from all over Victoria and interstate turn up to race,” said club president Robyn May. “The event had a friendly and energetic vibe with many of the Frankston Sharks riders doing so well and heading in the direction of state and Australian champions.”
The track has recently been brought up to a higher standard to host these large events thanks to the tireless work from the mum and dad volunteers that keep the club going and money from Frankston City Council for the newly added bitumen berms and other necessities. In fact, the track is of such a high standard that it is one of only four in Victoria that offers a pro straight to host pro-class BMX racing events.

BMX is currently experiencing 1980s-era growth, and that can be attributed to its status as an Olympic sport – it debuted at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 - and TV shows such as The Riders Life.
“Since January this year we have seen a 53 per cent increase in the club’s membership and we hope that by hosting local events like these, more people will come down to the club and get involved,” Robyn said.
Not only is BMX a fun and challenging sport for all ages, it’s great for health and fitness. Mums and dads are also getting involved, with some hopping back in the rider’s seat and reliving their youth.
If you want to know more you can contact the club on its Facebook page