Proud Pinkies celebrate 50 years By Kate Sears


After the Pink Ladies at Frankston Hospital saw the article on their fundraising auxiliary and founder, Edna Vincent, in our July issue of Frankly Frankston Magazine, current president Pauline Ellerby called our office to speak to Edna’s great-granddaughter and writer of the article, Kate Sears. After stories were shared about Edna’s many quirks, we were invited to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of the Pink Ladies Auxiliary on Monday, August 27, at the Frankston Bowls Club.

The Pink Ladies Auxiliary is Peninsula Health’s longest running volunteer group since its inception in April 1968. And to commemorate, the bowls club was adorned with pink balloons and sparkling pink cupcakes. Past and present Pink Ladies — or ‘Pinkies’, as they call themselves — celebrated a successful 50 years with Peninsula Health staff and family members by their side; they also farewelled Pauline after 16 years as president and welcomed new president Carole Thwaites. 

It was a particularly emotional moment for Edna’s granddaughter Debbie Sears and for Kate to take in the profound effect that Edna ignited by starting the Pink Ladies. To see her legacy living on was astounding and they were ever so grateful to everyone for keeping Edna’s dream alive through their dedication, support and tireless efforts. The continued work by all Pinkies would have made her as proud as punch.

Frankston Hospital has been able to continually grow and provide a high standard of patient care to the community thanks to the Pinkies, who have raised a remarkable $9 million since day dot. The Frankston Hospital Pink Ladies Auxiliary has 68 members who focus on the running of the kiosk as their main source of income. If you are interested in volunteering at Peninsula Health, contact the volunteer team on 9784 2674 or email [email protected]